Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How Long Should You Transition? // When To Cut The Rest of Your Relaxed Hair Off

Many women want to go natural without cutting all of their hair off, which is called transitioning.  When you transition, that means you let your hair grow out long enough to a point where you are comfortable with cutting the rest of the relaxed ends off.  This client decided to do that today.  Well, almost.  She only had a little bit of relaxed ends off and I cut most of it.  She wanted to leave enough to be able to pull her hair up so that is what I did.

So, how long should you transition and how do you know when to cut the rest of your relaxed hair off?  Only you know the correct answer for you.  Some women will grow it to their ears before they are ready, others to their chin, while others want it to grow past their shoulders.  It really depends on what length you are comfortable with.

One thing that I have noticed is that once you decide to cut the rest of your relaxed hair off, your hair will become much easier to manage when you have just one texture instead of two.  Every natural client that I have who cuts the rest of their relaxed ends says the same that.

It normally takes about one year for most women to transition to a point where they are comfortable cutting.  Remember that your relaxed ends will not just "grow out", they have to be cut.

To achieve this look, I used Silk Hydration by L. Jones Clarifying shampoo, moisture shampoo, leave-in conditioner, and Miracle Potion no.9.


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