Sunday, August 16, 2015

Guess Who's Back??

You may have noticed that I have not done a blog post in a while.  Since Feb 16 to be exact!  Now that I say that out loud it seems like February was forever ago.  Well, I have been quite busy lately!  Busy being pregnant and having a baby!  This pregnancy was much rougher than the first and had me physically drained of my energy so blogging was not very high on my priority list.  Needless to say, I have since had my bundle of joy and am now getting back to my regularly scheduled program.  Here is a picture of my newest addition:

 Although you can't tell from the hat, he was born with a head full of beautifully thick hair!  No wonder I had so much heartburn...  Here is a picture of his hair..

While pregnant and up until this point, I decided to take a break from everything work related.  I closed the salon for seven weeks, shut down the Silk Hydration by L. Jones website, stopped blogging, stopped making YouTube videos, etc and just allowed my body to get some much needed rest.  After the baby got here I then took that time to actually enjoy him and bond with him and I am so glad that I did.  I have to admit that I did miss working though and am not ready to get back to it!  With that being said, look for more posts to start coming to your inbox!  And if you haven't already, please subscribe to the blog to ensure that you do not miss any posts!


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